May 23, 2022 /
Kristin Nix
Read about how GreenLoxx Vegetated Slope Facing system not only saved this Florida homeowners’ yard from eroding into a canal but also the turtles and other wildlife that lived in their yard.

April 28, 2022 /
Kristin Nix
Filtrexx recaps the recent Erosion Control BMP Summit held for contractors, regulators, and SWPPP consultants.

July 31, 2020 /
Kristin Nix
Learn more about the recent Caltrans approval of compost sock products as a temporary erosion control measure.

June 26, 2020 /
Kristin Nix
With recent travel and gathering restrictions, many events have moved to a virtual platform - we’ve gathered some upcoming virtual conferences and educational webinar series.

January 22, 2020 /
Teele Schneider
Filtrexx and Grassroots Erosion Control worked tirelessly since the Camp Fire hit the community of Paradise, CA. Read more about our efforts.

April 23, 2019 /
Dr. Craig Kolodge
Craig Kolodge discusses a team approach to meeting both stormwater compliance regulations and budget.

February 25, 2019 /
Teele Schneider
Filtrexx attended the International Erosion Control Association Conference in Denver, CO last week.

February 18, 2019 /
Dr. Britt Faucette
Dr. Britt Faucette outlines four reasons why compost filter socks are the best BMP for a construction project.

September 28, 2018 /
Nick Strazar
Nick Strazar, Northeast Regional Sales Manager, discusses how SiltSoxx are the best BMP choice for your next solar project.

August 10, 2018 /
Colin Ewart
Colin Ewart discusses why Filtrexx is the right BMP for your project from beginning to end.