We design entire bioretention systems to manage stormwater runoff.

Rain Gardens, also known as bioretention systems, is a Low Impact Development (LID) practice that uses native soil, compost, plants, and beneficial microorganisms to filter, retain, and infiltrate storm water runoff from developed sites. Filtrexx® Rain Gardens are designed to decentralize and distribute site storm water to reduce off-site storm water volume, peak flow rate, and pollutant discharges. In urban areas, rain gardens are usually designed as a planted depression to allow rainwater runoff from impervious areas such as roofs, driveways, parking lots and lawn areas to soak into the ground and be absorbed instead of being sent to stormwater drains.
Filtrexx® GroSoxx® is a three dimensional tubular sock used in rain garden applications. Filtrexx® GrowingMedia™ is an important component of a successful Filtrexx Rain Garden installation as it provides the natural medium for vegetation to grow, while our EnviroSoxx® technology can be used to target specific pollutants, such as bacteria, nutrients, heavy metals, and petroleum hydrocarbons. Filtrexx Rain Gardens can be installed on virtually any site utilizing a variety of design goals.
- Reduce stormwater volume
- Filter pollutants
- Create wildlife habitat
- Aesthetics increase property value
- Contribute to Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) credits
- Customized for any site
- Near building roof drainpipes
- Areas requiring stormwater absorption
- Residential & Commercial landscaping areas
- Parks, roadways, parking lots
- Agricultural settings
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