Join Filtrexx webinars to explore our sustainable technologies, virtually.

Filtrexx offers FREE webinars, including a series on how compost-based Best Management Practices (BMPs) can dramatically reduce sediment and targeted, invisible pollutants in stormwater runoff, as well as a series on the topic of living walls. Attend a live broadcast, or register to view recordings, and earn a Certificate of Attendance worth 1.0 Professional Development Hour (PDH) credit. View the calendar below to attend a live broadcast or view the full descriptions and videos of selected webinars accessible anytime, anywhere for FREE.
Interested in compost-based sediment control systems and need to know more? This one-hour webinar reviews the latest performance research, technical specifications, and design criteria for Filtrexx sediment control applications, including perimeter control, inlet protection, check dams, sediment traps, slope interruption, and bio-filtration applications.
• How and why compost removes sediment from runoff
• How this material is used in a variety of applications
• About research from universities on how this technology performs
• How to access specifications of these practices for your projects
Presented by: Dr. Britt Faucette, Ph.D., CPESC, LEED AP
Director of Research, Technical, & Environmental Services, Filtrexx International
This webinar was recorded on January 22, 2020 and includes a Q&A session. You will receive a certificate of attendance after registering and viewing this webinar. Click play below to register and watch.
This one-hour webinar demonstrates how compost-based BMPs can dramatically reduce sediment and targeted pollutants from stormwater. These sediment control devices contain one or more natural additives used to remove invisible pollutants.
Learn how to:
- Remove up to 99% of coliform bacteria
- Remove up to 73% of heavy metals
- Remove up to 92% of nutrients
- Remove up to 99% of hydrocarbons (diesel, gasoline, and motor oil)
Presented by: Dr. Britt Faucette, Ph.D., CPESC, LEED AP
Director of Research, Technical, & Environmental Services, Filtrexx International
This webinar was recorded on June 23, 2021 and includes a Q&A session. You will receive a certificate of attendance after registering and viewing this webinar. Click play below to register and watch.
Are you concerned with the restoration and protection of vital water ways? Do you want to help reduce pollution in your local watershed? View this one-hour webinar on post-construction water quality treatment to learn about the latest research and how to design and implement compost-based BMPs to reduce urban and post-construction storm water pollutants.
See how to:
- Reduce turbidity and TSS
- Naturally absorb hydrocarbons from urban runoff
- Remove harmful bacteria from combined sewers, pet parks, and agriculture
- Reduce phosphorus and nitrogen
- Filter particulate and soluble heavy metals
Presented by: Dr. Britt Faucette, Ph.D., CPESC, LEED AP
Director of Research, Technical, & Environmental Services, Filtrexx International
This webinar was recorded on July 29, 2021 and includes a Q&A session. You will receive a certificate of attendance after registering and viewing this webinar. Click play below to register and watch.
View this one-hour webinar to learn the basics of the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Green Building Rating and Certification program and how Filtrexx products are being used to maximize credit accrual. This webinar will focus on the basics of the LEED program, and how and where compost-based Best Management Practices (BMPs) fit into the LEED rating systems.
- What green building and LEED is all about
- Which credit categories compost-based BMPs fit within and how they can lead to point accrual
- About a LEED Platinum project that utilized compost-based BMPs
Presented by: Dr. Britt Faucette, Ph.D., CPESC, LEED AP
Director of Research, Technical, & Environmental Services, Filtrexx International
This webinar was recorded on April 22, 2020 and includes a Q&A session. You will receive a certificate of attendance after registering and viewing this webinar. Click play below to register and watch.
This one-hour webinar provides an overview of the SiltSoxx compost filter sock BMP for sediment control applications including perimeter control, inlet protection, check dams, and more.
Topics Covered:
• Understand the importance of compost filter sock use in different types of applications
• Understand the total cost of ownership of compost filter sock on any project
• Learn about the latest innovations and developments to help meet your project needs
Presented by: JR Stewart, National Sales Director, Filtrexx International
This webinar was recorded on April 2, 2020 and includes a Q&A session. You will receive a certificate of attendance after registering and viewing this webinar. Click play below to register and watch.
This one-hour webinar provides an overview of tubular mesh products for erosion & sediment control applications including perimeter control, inlet protection, check dams, and more.
Topics Covered:
• A quick history of how we got here
• What straw wattles are and the good and bad of using them
• Compost sock and their uses
• The fun stuff - building green infrastructure combining compost with structural elements
Presented by: Jack Eaton, CPESC, Technical Sales Support Representative, Filtrexx Northeast Systems
This webinar was recorded on May 6, 2020 and includes a Q&A session. You will receive a certificate of attendance after registering and viewing this webinar. Click play below to register and watch.
This one-hour webinar provides an overview of the GreenLoxx living wall system, where the emphasis is on “GREEN”. Green solutions for bank & slope restoration allow for the stabilization of eroded or damaged slopes, riparian waterways, and shoreline banks while creating attractive, vegetated landscapes without the use of hard materials such as concrete.
Topics Covered:
• Learn about various vegetated restoration and stabilization applications
• Learn how the GreenLoxx system is a true resilient living wall while meeting your project’s structural needs
• Review a variety of completed projects
Presented by: Jeff Opel, Commercial Sales Manager – Stormwater and GreenLoxx, Filtrexx International
This webinar was recorded on April 3, 2020 and includes a Q&A session. You will receive a certificate of attendance after registering and viewing this webinar. Click play below to register and watch.
This one-hour webinar provides an overview of basic and advanced strategies for writing a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan that key personnel will reach for and implement to keep the job moving and the environment protected.
Topics Covered:
• Using templates and forms
• Using templates and forms
• Gathering critical information
• Best professional judgment, roles & responsibilities
• SWPPP Examples
• BMP selection process and Fact Sheets
• Drawings and narrative
• Stabilization and the NOT
Presented by: David Franklin, EnviroTech NPDES Services. Visit for information on a full-day course.
This webinar was recorded on April 7, 2020 and includes a Q&A session. You will receive a certificate of attendance after registering and viewing this webinar. Click play below to register and watch.
This one-hour webinar will cover compost applications as a preeminent erosion control soil cover, compost berms, and compost filter socks including Filtrexx SiltSoxx and GroSoxx.
- See how 300T of City of Redding Greenwaste Compost, Mychorrizae, and Biosol and CA native grasses applied over a 10 acre Burn Dump , filled with annual weeds and star thistle became a native grassland. Still successful after 17 years.
- See how Compost Blanket (again Redding Greenwaste Certified Compost) applied to a 1:1 slope at Shasta College experienced a 8” in 4 hr storm (4” in one hr) and didn’t erode!! • See Compost Blankets and Compost Socks “Living Walls” were successfully applied near Auckland New Zealand - 8000 feet of bank protection with Environmentally-Sensitive Methods, e.g. Log Lunkers, Newbury Riffles, Naturalized Morphology and Living Walls. Still successful after 10 years.
- Compost blankets and Socks and Berms applied in Canadian Rockies , still successful after 14 years.
- Discuss Carbon Sequestration while reducing wild fires on a huge scale, all that lacking is resolve and slight paradigm shifts.
Presented by: John McCullah, Salix Applied Earthcare, LLC
This webinar was recorded on April 9, 2020 and includes a Q&A session. You will receive a certificate of attendance after registering and viewing this webinar. Click play below to register and watch.