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What is your role at Filtrexx?
I serve as the Business Development and Governmental Affairs Manager for our California market.
What do you like most about working for Filtrexx?
Filtrexx has never had a legislative governmental affairs representative nor have we had a strategy focused on closely following legislative affairs in California. I have enjoyed crafting this role and having the flexibility to identify and target new opportunities for the company.
What do you find the most challenging about working for Filtrexx?
My role was a new one for Filtrexx. We had never deliberately sought to engage in legislative affairs to expand our markets in California. Navigating the waters of a new role within a company always comes with its share of interesting challenges.
What has been one of your favorite projects to work on while at Filtrexx?
Assisting with the Camp Fire remediation in Chico and Paradise California has been one of the most rewarding projects I have been involved with at Filtrexx. In addition to identifying a great, new market for our products, Filtrexx’s engagement in the local community has put close to ten people back to work that lost their homes as well as their jobs due to the disaster.
What have you learned that you didn’t know before becoming a Filtrexx employee?
Prior to Filtrexx, the vast majority of my experience with governmental affairs came at the federal level. In my current role I have learned quite a bit about how state and local governments function, as well as how state regulatory agencies influence our market.
What are some of your hobbies outside of work?
Hockey, Long Distance Hiking, and Cycling.
Any random facts we should know about you?
I was almost attacked by a Grizzly Bear summer 2014 while solo hiking and camping in the Bridger Teton National Forest.
Andrew J. Brennan is a graduate of West Point, holds an MBA
from the Katz Graduate School of Business at the University of Pittsburgh, as
well as an Executive Certificate in Nonprofit Management from Georgetown
University. A former Army Aviation Officer deployed to Afghanistan in 2010, he
led a UH-60 Blackhawk platoon, in addition to staff work for his aviation
battalion after pinning Captain. Before joining Filtrexx International Andrew
worked in private sector logistics for a Fortune 50 company, ran a successful
Veterans charity, and worked as a Federal lobbyist.