October 21, 2019 /
Kristin Nix
The California State Water Resource Control Board released a video field guide on collecting industrial storm water samples.
September 30, 2019 /
Kristin Nix
Kristin Nix reviews Filtrexx's new SiltSoxx marketing resources including spec sheets and product submittal forms.
August 14, 2019 /
Teele Schneider
Filtrexx launched two new videos this week, one showcasing their ability to be agile with partners and the other highlighting their help with the Camp Fire in Paradise, CA.
July 15, 2019 /
Dr. Britt Faucette
Installation, maintenance, design and performance are the four main reasons a sediment control product fails. See why our products are specifically designed to remove these issues.
June 10, 2019 /
Andrew Brennan
Get to know the faces behind Filtrexx with monthly employee spotlight interviews. This month it's Andrew Brennan - Governmental Affairs Manager.
May 13, 2019 /
Teele Schneider
Dr. Britt Faucette was interviewed by Case Western Reserve University's program AIM2Flourish about Filtrexx's innovation and sustainable solutions.
May 6, 2019 /
Teele Schneider
Filtrexx is sponsoring the 24th annual International Compost Awareness Week.
April 23, 2019 /
Dr. Craig Kolodge
Craig Kolodge discusses a team approach to meeting both stormwater compliance regulations and budget.
April 8, 2019 /
Nick Strazar
If you've got an upcoming solar project, Nick Strazar explains why SiltSoxx is the best BMP for your project.
April 1, 2019 /
Teele Schneider
Project Profile: Power lines were in jeopardy of falling into a creek in Pennsylvania. Filtrexx was there to help stabilize the bank and save the power lines.