Filtrexx Announces New StormExx for Sediment & Pollutant Removal Applications
AKRON, OH (June 2, 2016) - Filtrexx, the inventor of Soxx™ technology and leading developer of sustainable solutions for stormwater management, sediment & erosion control, pollutant removal and living walls applications, announced the launch of StormExx®, its newest catch basin inlet filter system.
Filtrexx® StormExx® is a catch basin insert designed to fit any existing storm water drain system. It is an exceptional solution for those areas where placing a Soxx around inlets is problematic, inconvenient or even dangerous. Besides water runoff, streets and parking lots carry a lot of debris and contaminants that could pollute storm drain systems and eventually natural sources of water such as rivers and streams where the stormwater runoff is discharged. “Although our Soxx technology is widely used around inlets in urban environments to prevent sediment, debris and pollutants from reaching the drain, our customers continuously expressed the need for a system that could help them achieve these goals in areas where using Soxx on the surface was not possible. Our solution to this challenge is StormExx”, said Dr. Britt Faucette, Ph.D., director of research and technical services at Filtrexx.
StormExx utilizes the same Filtrexx® Mesh™ and Filtrexx® Media™ used in Filtrexx® EnviroSoxx® product line. EnviroSoxx are three dimensional tubular mesh devices with media and selected sorbents for sediment control and pollutant removal applications. StormExx is used under the grate as a replaceable cartridge for contaminant removal. Its innovative design helps collect large amounts of sediment and debris inside the drain without being visible from the street surface.
Filtrexx claims this new catch basin filter system helps treat stormwater runoff at the street or inlet level, captures trash, sediment and soluble, invisible pollutants and most importantly, it fits any existing storm drain configuration. “We take pride on our ability to foresee the challenges of developing a new product for stormwater management, sediment control and pollutant removal applications. The fact that StormExx can fit any existing drain system is a testimony of our commitment to develop effective, clever, flexible solutions to manage urban runoff”, said Faucette.
Filtrexx believes StormExx, its new catch basin inlet filter system, is an exceptional sediment control and pollutant removal alternative for roadways, parking lots, oil & fuel spills, military bases, airports, manufacturing sites, maintenance locations, fire water runoff, equipment wash-down and urban runoff applications.
To learn more about Filtrexx StormExx visit
About Filtrexx
Filtrexx is the inventor of the compost filter sock. Filtrexx® Soxx™ technology has expanded into stormwater management, sediment & erosion control, pollutant removal, living walls, agriculture and gardening applications. Headquartered in Akron, OH, Filtrexx has an extensive network of partners and distributors to serve customers across the globe.