Filtrexx International Announces 2017 Environmental Impact
Akron, Ohio (March 2, 2018) – Filtrexx International, a leading developer of Sustainable Management Practice (SMP) solutions, announced this week the statistics on how their SMP solutions impacted the environment in 2017. This included SiltSoxx™, EnviroSoxx®, LivingWalls™, GroSoxx®, compost blanket and Filtrexx Mesh applications.
- 775,731 tons of organic waste recycled/diverted from landfills;
- 150,106 tons of sediment prevented from going into waterways;
- 1,616,547 tons of CO2 prevented from entering the atmosphere;
- 343,946 cars removed from highways/roadways (equivalence to CO2 prevented).
“These numbers are important in a pure environmental sense,” said Dr. Britt Faucette, Ph.D., CPESC, LEED AP, Filtrexx Director of Research, Technical, and Environmental Services. “We are doing as much as we can to have a positive, restorative impact on the planet. Keeping the water as clean as we can, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, keeping waste out of our landfills are pretty important to environmental sustainability goals and part of our company’s mission.”
The message Filtrexx is driving is that they are more than a product and service company.
“We really care about the environment and this is why we do what we do,” said Faucette. “Everyone at Filtrexx had a hand in achieving these numbers. It’s not just a job. It’s the impact that we can have directly on the environment.”
EcoPractices, a third-party partner, will be generating a Filtrexx 2017 Sustainability Report coming soon.
Contact Filtrexx to learn more on calculating your own environmental impact through the use of Sustainable Management Practices at [email protected] or 877-542-7699.