Filtrexx will attend the 2018 Florida DEP Muddy Water Blues Workshop (Technology Transfer Workshop for Erosion & Sediment Control BMPs) in Seminole, FL (February 2, 2018). The Florida DEP Muddy Water Blues Workshop is a free indoor and outdoor technology transfer program which is offered by the Department of Environmental Protection in partnership with St. Petersburg College, Suncoast Utility Contractors Association (SUCA), R.H. Moore & Associates, local cities and counties, and the erosion and sediment control industry within the area. The workshop is primarily designed to help planners, designers, developers, contractors, inspectors, and citizens interested in learning more about erosion and sediment control practices and products to help improve water quality during and after construction activities.
Filtrexx utilizes a variety of composted media inside Soxx™ technology. Depending on the final application, Filtrexx Soxx can
help reduce, divert, clean and filter stormwater runoff, and the media
chosen has a major impact on performance. Filtrexx is your partner of choice for selecting
sustainable technologies in stormwater management, sediment &
erosion control, pollutant removal, living walls, agriculture and
gardening applications. Meet
our team at the 2018 Florida DEP Muddy Water Blues Workshop and let us collaborate on your next project.

Connect with Filtrexx at the 2018 Florida DEP Muddy Water Blues Workshop
St. Petersburg College - Seminole Campus
9200 113 St. N.
Seminole, FL 33772
February 2, 2018, 8am-3pm
Free breakfast & lunch provided
2018 Florida DEP Muddy Water Blues Workshop Website
click for external registration