Filtrexx will be attending and presenting at the California Stormwater Quality Association (CASQA) Annual Conference in Monterey, CA (October 7-9, 2019). CASQA is the largest professional association dedicated to stormwater quality issues. The annual conference will feature training workshops, technical sessions, and poster presentations on wide-ranging stormwater and water management topics.

Meet Filtrexx at the 2019 CASQA Conference
Monterey Conference Center
1 Portola Plaza
Monterey, CA 93940
October 7-9, 2019
2019 CASQA Website
click here

Stormwater... Why We Do What We Do!
Looking back over the last 30 years, it was in 1989 that a few early champions of California’s stormwater community banded together to form the California Stormwater Quality Task Force. The Task Force quickly emerged as the cutting-edge statewide stormwater collaborative organization, bringing together stormwater professionals to help members achieve the goals of the Clean Water Act while improving the efficiency and effectiveness of stormwater management. As the reach of the stormwater regulatory program broadened, so did the needs of the California stormwater community. To help meet these growing needs, the Task Force organized and formed the California Stormwater Quality Association (CASQA) in 2002. CASQA continues to be a leader in stormwater and is committed to seeing stormwater managed as a vital component of California’s water resources, to support human and ecological needs, to protect water quality, and to restore our waterways.
Looking forward into the next thirty years and
beyond, it is vital to not only be stewards of our waters, but to also
be mentors for the next generation that will continue to protect and
enhance our waterways for future generations. As an organization, CASQA
will foster sustainable solutions to our water quality challenges,
incorporating the best science and technologies to promote the health of
our natural waters.