Filtrexx will attend the 2018 Biocycle West Coast Conference in San Diego, CA (March 26-29, 2018). The BioCycle West Coast Conference is the original & longest running national conference on organics recycling. This major four day event organized by BioCycle, The Organics Recycling Authority, will bring together key decision makers who want to know about the latest industry trends and tools in composting, anaerobic digestion, zero waste, food recovery and recycling, renewable energy and sustainability. The conference features two full days of technical and practical presentations given by prestigious leaders in government, science and industry.
Filtrexx utilizes a variety of composted media inside Soxx™ technology. Depending on the final application, Filtrexx Soxx can
help reduce, divert, clean and filter stormwater runoff, and the media
chosen has a major impact on performance. Filtrexx is your partner of choice for selecting
sustainable technologies in stormwater management, sediment &
erosion control, pollutant removal, living walls, agriculture and
gardening applications. Meet
our team at the 2018 Biocycle West Coast Conference and let us collaborate on your next project.

Connect with Filtrexx at the 2018 BioCycle West Coast Conference
Town & Country Resort
500 Hotel Circle North
San Diego, CA 92108
March 26-29, 2018
Tuesday, March 27, 2018 | 11:00am-12:15pm
Track 3 - Compost in Storm Water Management, Erosion Control Toolbox: Compost Utilization Case Studies
(Organized by Association of Compost Producers)
Danielle Zhang, California Department of Transportation and Craig Kolodge, Filtrexx International
learn more
2018 Biocycle West Coast Conference Website
click here