Our soil stabilization solutions help you Mimic Nature®.

The Filtrexx® Compost Erosion Control Blanket™ (CECB™) is a 2″ compost GrowingMedia™ used for temporary and permanent slope stabilization, erosion control, and vegetation establishment. It is typically applied to slopes with pneumatic blower trucks. Compost erosion control blankets act similarly to mulch products but provide organic nutrients that promote vegetation growth, even in areas where germination, moisture management and irrigation could be challenging.
In many stormwater management projects, a compost erosion control blanket could also be used as a Compost Storm Water Blanket™ (CSWB™) to reduce run-off in critical areas. Compost erosion control blankets can also be applied with a netting erosion control blanket if additional strength is required to make the soil surface texture rougher. Our stabilization and erosion control professionals can recommend the most suitable solution for your project and combine our extensive Filtrexx portfolio to create truly exceptional stabilization systems.
- 2” depth provides intimate contact–allows nearly 100% ground contact, eliminating puckering of other blankets, reduces sediment loss
- Seed mixed throughout blanket profile
- Reduces runoff by increasing infiltration
- Provides excellent growing media for vegetation
- Addition of organic matter improves slope ability to re-vegetate and establish a permanent erosion system
- For added strength add Filtrexx® LockDown™ Netting
- Use after final grading for temporary or permanent seeding
- Use on slopes up to 2:1 without additional practices
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